
Om mig

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Gift med Ewa, pappa till Sofie och Åsa, kirurg på St Görans sjukhus i Stockholm

tisdag, november 04, 2014


Har läst ut This changes everything av Naomi Klein.
Den inger hopp och förtvivlan.
Mest hopp, faktiskt.

Paradoxiclly this may also give us a better understanding of our personal climate inaction, allowing many of us to view past (and present) failures with compassion, rather than angry judgement. What if part of the reason so many of us have failed to act is not because we are too selfish to care about an abstract or seemingly far-off problem - but because we are utterly overwhelmed by how much we do care ? And what if we stay silent not out of acquiesence (samtycke), but in part because we lack the collective space in which to confront the raw terror of ecocide ?

Finns det något finare än att vara klimatkrigare, på riktigt ?

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Nää, det tror jag inte. Roland


Tänkte väl det !